About Me

My personal collection of travel related stuff. ✈️

There are so many places that we want to see for ourselves. Places friends have told us about, places we’ve only read about in books, or seen in the movies. This is my personal collection of what I believe to be the very best destinations the world has to offer.  There are sights that will humble you, amaze you and surprise you. They’ll provoke thoughts, emotions and even challenge your perspectives on life. It's gathered from years of travel on the road and countless hours of research. These are the places that I think everyone should experience.

My Travel Resources

📚 Places I've Been

Local Travels

Sydney, Australia

The city of Sails

New Zealand

In Progress

Bangkok, Thailand

Follow the scent of street food to this must-see city.

Tokyo, Japan

The ultimate culture shock experience.

Hong Kong, China

The ever-bustline Big Apple is a must-see for every traveller.

2018: Asia

Rio, Brazil

Mexico City, Mexico

Lima, Peru

2016: Living in North America

Dubai, UAE

Burj Khalifa

Delhi, India

See the Taj Mahal up-close in Agra.

2015: Enroute Canada

Barcelona, Spain

An energetic Spanish city to explore.

Cairo, Egypt

An iconic city where history abounds.

Paris, France

"Paris is always a good idea"

2010: Exploring Europe

London, UK

"In London, everyone is different, and that means anyone can fit in."

2010: En-route UK

New York, USA

San Francisco, USA

Rome, Italy

"Rome will exist as long as the Coliseum does"

2006: First Around the World Trip

Still on the Bucket List!

Cape Town, South Africa

Still on the Bucket List!

Lisbon, Portugal

Still on the Bucket List!

Istanbul, Turkey

Blue Mosque.

Why Travel?

The heart of travel is curiosity. Humans have a primal survival instinct to wander and as a result we ended up in almost every conceivable part of the world. Fortunately nowadays this urge less about survival and more about the excitement of seeing something new.

One of the greatest lessons from travel is to see life from other perspectives. When you first travel you will be excited to see something you see as new and unique. Once you become more experienced you view culture as just different answers to the same basic human needs and desires. This is a beautiful lesson because people have a tendency to fear anything that is different. The more we travel the less we fear other people. Travel people tend to end up with a hippy philosophy there is no denying it!

💭 + 🌎 = ✈️

Getting a grasp of the world

Inspiration can start of with something as simple a globe sitting on a shelf. That was the case for me as a child, I recall spinning it and noticing how close Korea and Japan which led me to wonder if you could get a boat between them.

Having something tangible sparks these kind of thoughts and is where the internet falls short. The internet is of course valuable because a search reveals that you can indeed get a ferry between Korea to Japan, but be sure to invest in something you can see and touch.

Having an actual map pinned on a wall or at least an atlas is also recommended. You can better place pins where you have been or want to go. In any traveller's room and countless hotels and backpackers it's a quintessential item.

What's stopping you?

Deciding to travel comes down to a choice and nothing more. Just like in life your health and time is are the precious resources. Do not let fears about money or work distract you from any travel ambition because you might regret that later in life. The question is simply will I go or not? After you decide then think about how long. If you are not sure then think about it in parts, what continents do you want to see. If you want to learn more about planning a long journey then check out my World Trip planning page. ⌛